a non-profit organization dedicated to developing
mobility aids for children with visual challenges
Selected Talks
American Society of Safety Engineers Annual Conference
San Antonio TX
TRIO Leading and Learning Week
Northeastern Illinois University
University of Wisconsin
University of Illinois at
Champaign Urbana
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago
Chicago Ilinois
University of Wisconsin
Washington & Lee University
Lexington VA
Learn & Lead Symposium
Northeastern Illinois University
Sapienza Università di Roma
Rome Italy
TEDx Talk
on education
Northeastern Illinois University
TEDx Talk
on vision
Northeastern Illinois University
International Society for Comparative Psychology
Chicago IL
International Congress of Neuroethology
San Diego CA
Society for Neuroscience
San Diego CA
International Congress of Neuroethology
Cambridge England
Animal Behavior Society
Seattle WA
Midwest Animal Behavior Conference
Carbondale IL
International Society for the History, Philosophy and
Social Studies of Science
Evanston IL
Society for the Social Studies of Science
San Diego CA
Society For Literature and Science
Albany NY
History of Science Society
Cincinnati OH
DePaul University
Chicago IL